Ready, Set, Art! How to Show Up and Create (Even If You're Scared)
Dec 23, 2024
You’ve found the perfect workshop. Your favourite artist is teaching, and you’re this close to signing up. But then, BAM! The doubts hit. Am I ready? Will I feel like I'm painting like a 5 year old in kindergarten? What if I’m surrounded by art pros who make me feel like I’m painting with crayons?
Look, here’s the deal: If you’re waiting until you feel “ready,” you’re going to be waiting longer than a dog staring at a tennis ball, hoping it’ll magically throw itself. Trust me, I’ve been there. I spent years avoiding showing my work because I didn’t feel good enough. When I finally did take the plunge and showed my art, guess what happened? People loved it, I sold 4 pieces, but had missed out on so many opportunities. Missed chances to learn, connect, and grow!
No one’s really ever “ready,” and that’s totally fine.
The Real Struggle
I know it’s scary. You’re worried that you’ll be the only one struggling, or that everyone else will be painting like they have a PhD in Watercolor Mastery while you’re still figuring out the difference between cerulean and sky blue. But the truth is that almost everyone feels that way. Yes, even the people who look like they were born with a paintbrush in hand. We all have our doubts. So, don’t let them stop you from showing up and doing what you love!
Just Show Up (Even If You Don’t Know What You’re Doing)
To be honest you don’t need fancy supplies, an art studio or even a clue about what you’re doing. What matters is showing up. Just bring your curiosity and a willingness to try. Sure, you might not understand every fancy term (like “plein air” — what is that, some sort of French outdoor café?), but it doesn’t matter. I find the magic happens when you just try, especially when you have no clue what you're doing!
In my workshops, I absolutely encourage students to do their own thing. I tell them if you don’t know all the 'rules' you have an advantage" and honestly? It’s amazing. Doing it your own way is exactly what makes your art special. Plus, everyone feels a little lost at times, even the “pros.”
The Power of Showing Up
I believe that showing up to paint - whether it’s your first time or your hundredth - can be a game-changer for any artist. Art isn’t about finding a quick fix or a magic formula; it’s about embracing the messy, beautiful, and often unpredictable journey of creativity. The most important thing is to show up, be curious, and let yourself go and grow. Art isn’t a quick-fix kind of problem. It’s a messy, beautiful, time-consuming journey. And that’s exactly why I love it.
Skill Level: It’s Fluid, Like a Watercolour!
People often ask about “skill levels” — beginner, intermediate, advanced. But guess what? Even if you’ve been painting for five years, you might still feel like a “beginner” on some days. And that’s fine! Art isn’t about labels, it’s about where you are today. You’re always allowed to be a “beginner” no matter how much you’ve painted.
Start Before You’re Ready
The most important thing? Show up. Even if you're nervous. Even if you’re not “ready.” Even if you think you’ll be the only one who doesn’t know what “plein air” means. Just start. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It just has to be you.
I’m here, still painting, still learning, and still showing up right beside you. So grab those brushes, have some fun, and remember: there are no mistakes in art, just happy little accidents.
With all my creative excitement,
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