Embracing Mistakes: The Key to Unlocking Your Inner Artist
Oct 28, 2024
If you’ve ever had an urge to pick up a paintbrush because you feel that creative urge, then hesitated and held yourself back from fear of making a mistake - you're not alone. You might worry about what others will think of what you create, or maybe you feel silly for not knowing exactly what you’re doing. Trust me, you’re in good company.
First, let’s get one thing straight, making mistakes is not only ok —it’s essential! Every artist has faced their fair share of mishaps and paintings that have ended up either being painted over, or in the trash.
But rather than thinking of them as mistakes, think of them more as stepping stones on your creative journey. When you allow yourself to embrace imperfection, you open the door to discovery and growth. The beauty of creating lies in the process, not just the end result.
Imagine how freeing it would feel to create without self-judgment.
So please give yourself permission to experiment, splash some paint, or doodle without a plan - that's how I paint all of the time :)
Remember, creating is personal each of us, and our works don't have to meet anyone else’s standards. I promise you what matters most is how it makes you feel.
Instead of listening to that critical voice in your head (you know who I mean), why not try to nurture your inner cheerleader instead. Celebrate the courage it takes to create! Share your work with supportive friends who get you, who uplift and inspire you, rather than those who might judge or not understand what you are trying to do.
So grab your supplies, play, and most importantly, have fun! You might just find that the journey is as beautiful as the art you create. Your unique creations deserves to be seen - let your messy creativity shine! If you'd like to share with me you can email me at [email protected] - I'd love to see what you are up to :)
Angela x
PS if you've not tried it yet I have a FREE 7 day challenge to meet your inner artist - it's a great way to begin to be ok with making mistakes and creating a painting from your own intuition.
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